Reading: A curriculum strong in foundational skills and research-based methods of explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, spelling, and fluency supports our core reading program. High-quality text is used at each grade level to read, write, and research across the curriculum. Students use reading and writing connections in the other disciplines to build knowledge in those subject areas. Independent reading is included in the school day to reinforce reading across all genres for both meaning and pleasure.
Writing: A curriculum that emphasizes both interdisciplinary and systematic development of writing skills, which begins with shared writing and continues with the use of graphic organizers, rubrics, and teacher-student writing conferences, supports writing across the curriculum. Grammar instruction is taught in conjunction with writing. Students learn cursive writing in 3rd grade and the development of this skill continues along with the addition of technology for publishing in grades 3-5.
Mathematics: A curriculum strong in research-based practices and supported by the National Council of Mathematics structures our math program. Explicit instruction in critical thinking, real-world problem-solving, conceptual understanding, and application of technology for math practice all solidly support instruction and learning. Math fluency is strongly stressed according to appropriate grade level standards.
Science: A curriculum solid in hands-on, student-centered, and inquiry-based approaches forms the science program. It is aligned to the National Science Education Standards with an integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
Social Studies: A curriculum based on the foundations and beginnings of our government, American History, Georgia History, and economics comprises this subject. Students learn through research, discovery, hands-on projects, and presentations.
Leadership development programs teach students to be good citizens and to recognize the value of applying talent and knowledge for the good of the community and society (4H and CHAMPS programs).
The Lower School Media Center provides materials for all reading levels. Books that enhance learning both in and out of the classroom and books for reading enjoyment support a well-equipped media center. Computers are available for classroom curriculum support.
Public speaking opportunities include Fine Arts performances, classroom presentations, individual projects, show and tell, Reader’s Theater, praying aloud, and reciting scripture.
A Christian curriculum Bible study includes stories from both the Old and New Testaments and provides learning opportunities through character education, memory verses, and application of scripture in everyday life.
Field trips support the academic curriculum on a regular basis according to grade level standards. Students visit science centers, aquariums, planetariums, Indian mounds, museums, and other local points of interest. RSCA’s 5th-graders participate in an overnight field trip to coastal Georgia to study marshland environment.
Service opportunities include singing at nursing homes, making cards for the troops and the Rock Springs clinic, supporting Christmas trees for the troops, and assisting with meals for the disadvantaged. Other community-related service opportunities are added according to the needs presented throughout the year.