RSCA Innovation STEAMM Lab
RSCA's innovation STEAMM Lab provides a multi-faceted creative learning environment and prepares students for numerous technological fields in the real world.
We understand that higher education and modern workplace success requires that students are able to master next generation skills. These skills include communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, information literacy, and adaptability. By balancing traditional academics and implanting new ways of learning, Rock Springs Christian Academy is able to be impactful by making a difference for students.
RSCA’s goal is to reach children for the Kingdom of God. Having the opportunity to build this innovation lab has opened more technology opportunities and placed us on a path to introduce various cutting edge career paths to our students.
This video tribute to the men and women of our Armed Services was put together by Jaycee Carson (9th Grade) and Paris Moss (11th Grade) in the RSCA INNOVATION STEAMM LAB under the direction and supervision of instructor Kelley Sparks for up and coming Country singer/songwriter Dwayne Langston of Nashville Tennessee.