Welcome New Families
- Parents
- Welcome New Families
- Navigating the FACTS Family Portal
- Before/After School Care
- Bus Program
- Contact Faculty & Staff
- Daily Schedule
- Handbook (Students/Parents)
- Health and Safety
- Lunch Program
- Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)
- School Calendar
- Summer Reading Assignments
- Summer SOAR
- Supply Lists
- Uniforms & Buying Guide
- Y.E.S Hours
Welcome to the Family!
Welcome to Rock Springs Christian Academy!
We are so excited that you are joining the RSCA family! As a new family, we know you have many questions about how to prepare for your child's start of school. Let this be the place where you find answers to help make your transition to Rock Springs a smooth one. We encourage you to toggle through each of the tabs below and familiarize yourself with all the information, policies, etc., to ensure a successful beginning.
Make Sure Your Child's Enrollment Process is Complete
Upon acceptance, you will receive an email invitation to begin enrollment online. Our online enrollment system is integrated with FACTS, our online tuition management system, through which you will set up payment plans. The second step is to access the Family Portal and complete the enrollment process.
Please follow the Instructions for creating a Family Portal Login listed below.
• Visit https://factsmgt.com/
• Select Family Login from the menu bar and FACTS Family Portal from the drop-down menu.
• After the Family Portal Login screen opens, please select Create New Family Portal Account.
• Enter RS-GA into the District Code field.
• Enter your email address as provided in your application to the school.
• Click Create Account.
• You will receive an email from FACTS Customer Support containing a link that will allow you to create your username and password. For security purposes, the link will remain active for 6 hours.
• Please click on the link. A Change/Create Password screen will open. You may use the default username provided or create a new username. Then type in your desired password into the Password field and Confirm field.
• Click Save Username and/or Password.
• Close the window.
• Log into FACTS Family Portal as instructed above.
To access FACTS:
-Please go to www.rsca.info.
-Select Parent Login at the very top of the homepage (if using a mobile device, navigate to this page by clicking on the hamburger menu at the top/right corner, then Parent Login).
-Enter your username and password.
-After logging in, click on the Apply/Enroll button in the left menu.
-Click on the Enrollment/Re-enrollment button.
If you have technical issues logging in, contact the Admissions Office at 678.408.6882 or admissions@rsca.info.
CURRENT FAMILIES applying for admission or completing enrollment for a new sibling will do so through their existing FACTS Family Portal.
Once you login, click on “Apply/Enroll” and then “Enrollment/Re-Enrollment” to begin or continue the online enrollment process.
Make sure we have copies of each applicable item on the Application Checklist:
• Copy of the child’s birth certificate
• Copy of child's Social Security card
• Immunization record - PLEASE NOTE: Georgia law requires the school to have a valid certificate of immunization on file for each student. Typically, immunizations (and updates to the immunization certificate) are required for students entering K4, K5, and grades 7 and 11.
• GA Form 3300 (ear, eye and dental check)
• Learning Plan (if applicable)
• Teacher Recommendation (have the email address for a teacher referral)
• Pastoral Reference (have the email address for a ministerial referral)
Quick Links
“The RSCA Way” is the pride of our affordable educational offerings that lead to strong intellect, character, and Christian faith.
• Develop Strong Work Ethic
• Display Attributes of Christian and Service-Driven Character
• Discover and Cultivate Talents
• Demonstrate Willingness to Embrace Challenge
The mission of Rock Springs Christian Academy and the governing board, in partnership with RSCA families, is to provide excellence in education and affordability by joining efforts and resources as all stakeholders work to fulfill the values of the school.
The vision of Rock Springs Christian Academy is to graduate outstanding Christian students who are highly motivated, service-oriented, and well-equipped to embrace the challenges of living for Christ in today's world.
Handbook • Parents and students should read and be familiarized with the policies and guidelines found within the Parent/Student Handbook and Code of Conduct.
Contacts for each building receptionist on our campus
Contacts for all faculty and staff
2024-2025 Detailed Daily Schedule (including lunch times for all students)
Elementary Curriculum Guide • Mrs. Marsha Clark, Elementary Principal
Middle School Curriculum Guide • Mrs. Kristin Roney, Middle School Principal
High School Curriculum Guide • Mr. John Welch, High School Principal / Assistant Head of School
Learning Center / Day Care • Mrs. Lindsay Wynn, Director
The tuition page is usually one of the first stops for a family considering enrollment into a private, Christian school. Like many parents, you might be wondering how enrolling at RSCA will affect your family’s budget, or perhaps you’re not even sure if you can afford it.
At Rock Springs Christian Academy, we are committed to making high-quality, Christ-centered education accessible to as many families as possible. Affordability is an important concern. Every family at RSCA pays a reduced tuition rate due to the ministry support of Rock Springs Church, and we’re pleased to offer need-based financial aid, as well as other tuition discounts.
Need-based aid is defined as the difference between what it costs to attend RSCA and a family's ability to pay. RSCA cannot meet 100% of the demonstrated need for each applicant, and, frequently, the number of qualified applicants exceeds our financial aid resources. Therefore, some families who apply and are qualified still may not receive financial aid. However, grant amounts are dependent upon each individual family’s need.
All financial aid information is held in strict confidence by the school administration as required by Georgia law. An application for enrollment must be started in order to apply for financial aid. The application for financial aid must be started prior to beginning school. FACTS requires payment of a $40 fee with the Financial Aid application. (The 2024-2025 Financial Aid application is now open.)
Tuition is calculated on an annual basis but is prorated for the remainder of the year for students who enroll on September 1 or later.
Online Financial Aid Application
Consider signing up for S.O.A.R. Day Camp! S.O.A.R. operates during the summer and during most days when school is closed. Meet some new friends and get acclimated to our campus. (Ages 5-12)
Don't procrastinate on completing your summer assignments.
Get started collecting all the necessary school supplies for a great year.
Shop for uniform pieces with our approved uniform vendors or check out the PTF's private uniform swap group on Facebook.
Check out the Uniform Guide and the list of our approved vendors. Please be aware of uniform policies as stated in the Parent/Student Handbook.
Did you know RSCA operates a bus route from points in Barnesville, Forsyth, Locust Grove and Griffin. This is a morning route only. Check out more information about our Bus Program.
Will your family require Before or After-School Care? Check out all the details and register in advance if your child will be attending on a regular basis. There is no requirement for registration for drop-in attendance.
Every individual who has contact with your child is required to obtain a certified background check from the sheriff's office or police department in their county of residence. These documents are kept on file at RSCA and are kept in the strictest confidence.
All parents are required to obtain a background check prior to participating in activities with students, including accompanying their child on a field trip. We suggest you visit your local sheriff's department to obtain your background check. Two forms of identification may be required along with payment of a fee paid by cash or money order (generally $20). Return the original document to your child's school receptionist.
Through the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program, individual taxpayers and corporations can redirect some or all of their tax dollars to RSCA and receive a 100% STATE INCOME TAX CREDIT!
This is a proven opportunity that is a WIN-WIN-WIN for taxpayer donors, scholarship recipients, and our RSCA community. By contributing with tax dollars you must pay anyway, you help maximize financial aid for deserving families who desire an RSCA education.
Families who are granted financial aid undergo the same admissions process as all other RSCA families. Georgia GOAL funds help bridge the gap between what a family can afford and the cost of tuition.
In the 2024/2025 school year, RSCA was able to assist 50 deserving students with financial aid awarded through Georgia GOAL.
The average award was $1,780.00 per student.
The remaining tuition paid by the families of these 50 students amounts to $306,265 for the 2024/2025 school year. These are funds that RSCA would otherwise not realize without the Georgia GOAL program.
Find out more at https://www.goalscholarship.org/ or call Kim Smith in the Admissions office at 678.408.4882.
Click HERE to learn more about the FACTS Family Portal
Students are allowed to wear jeans on Fridays (blue or black jeans only with no rips, holes, or tears) if participating in Friday JEANS Days. A payment of $30 for the year may be paid at the beginning of the year or $1 per Friday is required. These funds are used by each school principal to plan fun activities for the students and to treat teachers from time-to-time. So, take a break from your uniform and support your school. Contact your school receptionist for more information.
The Dining Team at RSCA is a busy bunch who prepare lunch for students each day. They take food allergies very seriously and have alternative choices for most allergy conditions. Find the scoop on lunch at RSCA, including the monthly elementary menu.
The Green and Gold Annual Fund is a yearly fundraising appeal to bridge the gap between the total cost of operating our school and tuition revenue. Generally, RSCA's tuition covers approximately 60% of the full cost of educating each student. It takes tuition and charitable donations to provide the distinctive qualities that RSCA offers, including smaller classes, exemplary teachers, exceptional academics, fine arts, and athletic programs, more personal attention, and an unapologetically Christian foundation for our students. Also, gifts to the RSCA Green and Gold Fund are tax-deductible where tuition is not.
Every gift makes a difference, regardless of the amount. For some families, the gift could be as small as $5 - $10. For others, it could be hundreds or thousands of dollars. Giving comes from the heart. We encourage you to pray and give according to your means to support our ministry. Also, robust participation percentages in giving by the RSCA community, including our board of directors, faculty/staff, parents, and alumni helps pave the way for potential future support from outside organizations and charitable foundations.
Can we count on you to help us by participating with a gift of any amount?
Learn more about our Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) and how you can get involved! You will develop personal friendships as we all work together to enhance the RSCA experience for students, teachers, and families.
Schedule a sports physical for students in grades 5-12 who will participate in RSCA athletics. Complete the GIAA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form and return to your child's school receptionist. Middle and high school athletes may also participate in summer workouts. Contact Athletic Director, Jonathan Bischoff for more information.
The FACTS Family Portal is a great way to stay informed on the progress of your student, including assignments, grades, behavior, and it is an easy way to quickly email any of your child's teachers.
Teachers and coaches will communicate with parents via the Family Portal as well as by weekly newsletters (elementary) and classroom notes.
Each Friday, our Director of Communications, Brittany Crumbley, emails a school-wide newsletter with lots of information meant to prepare you for the week ahead. Be sure to keep your contact information updated in the Family Portal…you don't want to miss a thing!
Periodically, we will also send text alerts. These will originate from the number 31706.
Follow us on social channels for the latest announcements and accolades. The middle and high school weekly chapel is live-streamed on Facebook each Wednesday morning.
• Rock Springs Christian Academy on Facebook • https://www.facebook.com/RockSpringsChristianAcademy
• Rock Springs Christian Academy on Instagram • https://www.instagram.com/rockspringschristianacademy/
• RSCA PTF (including a private group for uniform swapping!) • https://www.facebook.com/groups/RSCAPTF
• RSCA Athletics • https://www.facebook.com/RSCAAthletics
• RSCA Learning Center • https://www.facebook.com/RSCALearningCenter
• Rock Springs Church • https://www.facebook.com/rockspringsonline
Active parental involvement is essential to Rock Springs Christian Academy’s success. To foster this partnership, the school board has implemented the Your Essential Service (Y.E.S.) Program.
Pardon the oxymoron, but the YES Hours Program is RSCA's parent {mandatory} volunteer program.
All RSCA families are required to contribute 24 hours (12 hours for single-parent households) of volunteer service annually. We understand the value of your time and greatly appreciate your participation. Your contributions directly support our programs and events.
So, plan to start accumulating your YES hours early. On the YES page, you will always find opportunities to serve, and you will also find the process of logging your YES hours. Thank you for your help!!
REFUNDS AND WITHDRAWALS: Rock Springs Christian Academy must rely on tuition income to meet operating expenses. Since salary obligations are contractual in nature and are based on income projected by enrollment contracts, it is essential that the income from tuition be assured. If enrollment is canceled or in the event of separation for any reason between the student and the school, the financial obligations are as follows:
• In the event of withdrawal, tuition charges will be due in full for the entire semester and will not be prorated.
• A 30-day written notice is required prior to second semester, otherwise 2 months tuition will be charged. However, any overpayment occurring for the period beyond the month of withdrawal will be refunded.
• For withdrawal after July 1, but prior to the first day of school, 2 months tuition will be charged.
• Students and parents are subject to all financial rules and regulations of the Parent/Student Handbook.
If it becomes necessary for parents to withdraw a student, the parent will officially notify the Admissions Office.
LATE ACCOUNT POLICY: Tuition and incidentals are considered past due after your chosen draft date. Should circumstances arise that may cause delay in payment, please contact the business office immediately to discuss a potential alternate plan. The business office will work toward a mutually agreeable payment arrangement with the family. Grades, report cards and transcripts will not be released, and access to the parent and student portals may be restricted for past due accounts or unpaid accounts in the case of a student withdrawal. Students may not be allowed to sit for exams or participate in graduation if accounts (tuition and incidentals) are unpaid. Students may not be allowed to return to class if the account is unpaid at the end of the month. Accounts will be charged a $25 late fee per student if the auto-draft is returned due to non-sufficient funds. FACTS will not try to redraft the amount, and payment will need to be initiated by the account holder through FACTS.
Click here for other frequently used links.
We Value Your Feedback
It's important that we continually improve our processes and meet the needs of our prospective families.
It would be appreciated if you would take just two minutes to complete THIS ADMISSIONS PROCESS SURVEY.
Thank you so very much for taking the time to offer feedback.
How Can We Help?
Connect With Our Admissions Office!
Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out if there are questions we can answer! RSCA is a family, and we’re here to help you and your student during this exciting time.
Many questions for our new families may be answered by the RSCA Admissions Office. Please call 678.408-6882 or email our Admissions Office at admissions@rsca.info.
- Parents
- Welcome New Families
- Navigating the FACTS Family Portal
- Before/After School Care
- Bus Program
- Contact Faculty & Staff
- Daily Schedule
- Handbook (Students/Parents)
- Health and Safety
- Lunch Program
- Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)
- School Calendar
- Summer Reading Assignments
- Summer SOAR
- Supply Lists
- Uniforms & Buying Guide
- Y.E.S Hours