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Upper School


The reading curriculum pinpoints the use of strong, thorough, and explicit textual evidence in literary analyses and technical research, the development of multiple ideas through details and structure, and the study of complex characters and advanced elements of the plot such as frame narratives and parallel story lines.

The mathematics curriculum focuses on the study of functions and their applications while encouraging students to persevere in problem-solving, reasoning abstractly, and constructing viable mathematical arguments. Knowledge of the functions and skills of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus will enable them to be college and career ready upon graduation.

The writing curriculum reflects the ability to argue effectively, employing the structure, evidence, and rhetoric necessary in the composition of effective, argumentative texts.  Students compose college-ready research papers of significant length in accordance with the guidelines of standard formatting (e.g., APA and MLA).

American Government, World History, U.S. History, and Economics collectively form the curriculum for social studies. Other areas include behavioral and mental processes of psychology, projects to support major themes and events of U.S. and World History, and research and discovery using current events, discussions, and in-depth analyses.  

Biology, Chemistry, and Physics collectively form the science curriculum. New facilities and a science lab enhance the inquiry-based, hands-on approach to teaching science with a primary focus on developing higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. All students are expected to master research and project development skills through participation in the yearly science fair.

Dual Enrollment is offered through partnerships with several universities, including Georgia Military College, Gordon State College, and Southern Crescent Technical Institute.

Public speaking opportunities such as leading chapel, leading prayer, One-Act Plays, sharing testimonies, Fine Arts productions, and club responsibilities promote sound public speaking practices.

A Christian curriculum study is provided on a daily class. Students analyze scripture and literature while learning to respond in appropriate ways to the truth of God’s word. Reading scripture and applying its contents through devotional reflections, testimonies, and Christian character are emphasized.

The Fine Arts program includes vocal and choral performances on and off campus, instrumental music, and One Act Play competitions, as well as art experiences with drawing, photography, sculpture, and painting.

Leadership and Service opportunities are researched and completed. Each student logs more than 100 hours of service through community and school. Christian service and leadership opportunities include a senior mission trip to Haiti, early childhood partnership with the elementary school, planning and implementing weekly chapel programs, and supporting varying needs in the community. Leadership experiences include planning and executing weekly chapel programs, leading prayer, managing BETA club, governing through Student Council, participating in community service, volunteering, joining athletic teams, peer tutoring, publishing the yearbook, and applying for and completing of internships.

The library media program is an extension of the classroom, providing students with instruction and access to print and digital resources for both learning and leisure reading.

The counseling/advisory program ensures that every student is known, understood, and proactively guided. At the upper school level, assistance is provided to students as they consider options for after graduation.