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Student/Parent Handbook


The Student/Parent Handbook is intended to inform the RSCA community about school policies and procedures. It consolidates information from many sources on a variety of topics. It seeks to assist in the orientation of new students and to provide all students with an up-to-date reference on significant matters relating to RSCA life.  

It is the responsibility of each student/parent to be knowledgeable of the contents of this handbook. For their own benefit, families are urged to familiarize themselves with all relevant portions of the Student/Parent Handbook and ask for clarification of any information by contacting the administration of their respective school.

We trust you will find your Student/Parent Handbook helpful throughout the year.

The Student/Parent Statement of Cooperation (located on the last page of the handbook) should be signed by the parents (or legal guardian) and students (grades 6-12) and returned to the student's front office receptionist no later than the third day of attendance.


2023-2024 Handbook

Open House